MAD is what you get
when politicians let big developers redesign
YOUR community!
Plan Bay Area is suitable for urban areas such as San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose. Marin is NOT urban.
Plan Bay Area dictates unreasonable mandates on Marin and ignores our County’s current needs. It strains existing overburdened infrastructure with no fixes for our current problems.
Fix Our Existing Infrastructure First!
Before we build more and more and add to over-burdened infrastructure, consider the following, all of which are to be funded by YOUR money:
ROADS: Marin’s roads' repairs need $200 million dollars in work because they are in the "at risk" category. Sir Francis Drake at LL SAP is already choked to the breaking point. More development will not fix this.
WATER: MMWD has 186,000 customers in central and southern Marin with seven reservoirs of 79,566 cubic feet of water. With California’s variable rainfall, there are worries about rationing almost every year. Why add huge new developments?
SANITARY: Ross Valley Sanitary District (RVSD) has $180m of infrastructure work to complete and the system is routinely out of compliance with the Regional Quality Control Water Agency because of sewage spills into the Bay.
SCHOOLS: Our schools are at or near capacity already. If each unit in a high density housing development has two to three school age children, what will be the burden on the school systems?
Add to the above ballooning public tab LL SAP's infrastructure costs, paid for with more bonds, fees, assessments, and charges on homeowners, development, businesses, visitors, and ferry riders, and the infrastructure costs borne by our community will be crippling.